Definitions used in this document:
- “Event” the 2025 Lincoln Santa Fun Run organised by The Rotary Club of Lincoln Colonia and held on Sunday 14 th December 2025. This includes activities before and after the actual run on the day.
- “Organiser” The Rotary Club of Lincoln Colonia (Registered Charity Number 1140234) and any party appointed by the Rotary Club of Lincoln Colonia to manage the event on their behalf.
- “Entry fee” the money payable to enter the Event.
- “Event date” the date on which the event is held, or planned to be held.
- “Customer” any person or party purchasing entry tickets for the event
- “Participant” any person provided with an individual runner number for the event or a parent/guardian/responsible adult acting for the person
- “Venue” the location and route where the event will take place
- “Partner Charity” any charity (or other non-profit organisation) which the organiser has agreed to support as partner charity for the event. All partner charities are listed on the event website.
- “Event Website” means the online website as published by the organiser and accessed by the address or
Customers and participants will receive communications by email and by published announcements on this website. The customer and participant are responsible for providing a valid and correct email address and for monitoring and reading such emails sent to the address given. On receipt locally emails may be subject to management rules including “spam” or similar folders, the customer and participant are responsible for identifying and reading any such email messages.
Event cancellation – organiser’s discretion
The organiser reserves the right to cancel the event up to 4 (four) weeks before the event date if insufficient applications are received or if the event is no longer economically viable.
If the event is cancelled in accordance with the above condition the organiser:
- – shall make reasonable efforts to refund the entry fee to the participant
- -shall not be liable for any other losses incurred by the participant as a result of the cancellation of the event.
- – shall notify participants of the cancellation by email and by publication on this website.
- – shall donate any funds from entry fees which cannot be refunded remaining after event costs to charities determined by the organiser.
Event cancellation – Force majeure
The organiser may determine at its sole discretion that as a result of a Force Majeure Event it is necessary to cancel, postpone or change the venue for the event.
If the event is cancelled or amended in accordance with the above condition the organiser:
- – shall be entitled to cancel or change the event.
- – shall notify customers of the cancellation by email and by publication on this website.
- – may rearrange the event.
- – is not required to offer customers a refund of entry fees.
- – shall, where the event cannot be rearranged, donate any funds from entry fees remaining after event costs to charities determined by the organiser.
The customer is responsible for notifying any participant for whom they purchased an entry of these changes
Event change of date or venue – organiser’s discretion
The organiser reserves the right to alter the date, time or venue for the event.
If the event is amended in accordance with the above condition the organiser:
- – shall notify customers of the change by email and by publication on this website.
- – shall notify customers by email and by publication on this website of the participants right to cancel their entry and request a refund of entry fees
- – shall make all reasonable efforts to refund entry fees where requested
- – shall not be liable for any other losses incurred by the participant as a result of changes to the event.
The customer is responsible for notifying any participant for whom they purchased an entry of these changes
Withdrawal from the Event
When a participant is unable to attend the event the Customer may request a refund of their entry fee subject to the following conditions:
- – the customer must notify the organiser by email or contact form on this website
- – a full refund can be requested if the request is made at least 8 (eight) weeks before the event date.
- – a 50% refund can be requested if the request is made at least 4 (four) weeks before the event date.
- – If an event costume (santa suit) has been purchased and has been received by the customer this must be returned before any refund can be agreed
- – no refund will be given if the request is made less than 4 (four) weeks before the event date.
Any charity donations made by the customer or participant to the organiser are not refundable
If the customer has ordered using the “Adult Entry with Gift Aid” or the “Eco Entry with Gift Aid” this includes as part of the total amount paid a donation, which is shown within the online product description, to the organiser. This donation is not refundable.
If the participant or customer has received in advance sponsorship donations for the organiser associated with the event these must be sent to the organiser together with the sponsorship form.
The event is open to participants of all ages however participants aged 8 year and under must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult during the event, which means everyone must purchase an entry to take part (under 5’s can participate at reduced entry). Those aged 9 and over can participate alone, but anyone aged 16 and under must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult on the day.
All participants must have a valid entry which has been either:
- – purchased through the event website
- – provided by an event partner charity which has an agreement with the organiser to provide or sell at discounted prices entries for the event
- – provided by the organisers as free entries
Each participant must display a runner bib (with runner number or l’elf logo) issued on payment of entry fee in order to participate in the event.
Each participant must register their runner number and name through the event website using the QR code provided on the runner bib.
Medals may be issued at the end of the event at the sole discretion of the organiser. These will only be issued to participants completing the published event route and displaying a runner bib described above.
The organiser reserves the right to refuse admission to the event where the participant does not comply with the dress code published on the event website or behaves in a manner which the organiser considers, at their sole discretion, to be dangerous, offensive or unacceptable.
No participant may collect money or sell articles during the event in a public space (eg street) for the benefit of charitable or other purposes without the (i) the agreement of the organisers and (ii) a legal street collection licence from the licencing authority (City of Lincoln Council).
Participants may bring dogs to the event providing
- – a specific entry has been purchased for each dog taking part
- – the dog handler has a valid entry for the event
- – the participant fully complies with the rules for dogs taking part published on this website
- – the organiser has not closed the event to further dog entries (the organiser may limit the number of dogs permitted to take part for safety reasons)
The organiser may, at their sole discretion, prevent any dog from taking part in the event.
Medical Fitness
By entering the event, participants confirm they are medically fit for the event and enter at their own risk. The organisers or its sponsors will not be held responsible for any injury or illness caused during or as a result of the event.
Loss or Damage to Property
The organisers or its sponsors will not be held responsible for any loss of or damage to any property during the event.
Venue & Route Conditions
The organiser accepts no liability for the state or condition of the surface upon which the event takes place.
Directions and instructions
By entering the event participants agree to follow (i) any directions given in advance of the event (on this website) and during the event by the organisers and event marshals (ii) any local or national government regulations and guidance relevant to health protection applicable on the event day.
Your Information
By purchasing entries to the event customers consent to the personal information provided being held and processed electronically by the organiser. The organiser agrees to hold customer’s information securely and not to pass it on to any other party other than where applicable (i) HMRC for the purposes of charity gift aid claims (ii) authorised third parties (ge PayPal) for the purposes of processing payments (iii) customer selected partner charities (see below). Customer information is used solely for the purposes of managing the event and informing the customer of future events organised by the Rotary Club of Lincoln Colonia. Where the customer selects a partner charity to support as part of the online purchase of entries through the event website the customer agrees to the organiser sharing the customer’s contact details ie customer name and email address with the partner charity to allow the partner charity to directly contact the customer.
The customer may request their information is no longer used by the organiser for these purposes at any time.
Individual participants will provide personal information when individually registering as described above (Eligibility). By registering the participants consent to the personal information provided being held and processed electronically by the organiser. The organiser agrees to hold participant’s information securely and not to pass it on to any other party other than where applicable (i) HMRC for the purposes of charity gift aid claims (iii) if required our support contractors (eg providing medical cover) and public services eg NHS, police. Certain information (images) may be released in the public domain (see below). Participant information, provided through the individual registration process is used solely for the purposes of managing the event.
The participant may request their information is no longer used for these purposes at any time
Use of Images
The event is held in a public space. Video and still photographic images may be taken of the event and its participants. By participating (as entrant or spectator) in the event participants consent to being filmed or photographed during the event and to any such images taken being used by the organisers, the sponsors or the supported charities for purposes associated with promotion of this and future Lincoln Santa Fun Run & Walk event and other charity events organised by the Rotary Club of Lincoln Colonia.
Video and still photographic images may also be taken of the event and its participants by external parties including press and media. The organisers have no control over the use and distribution of such.
Drone video photography may take place. To comply with CAA regulations participants agree to observe any instructions given by the drone operating company, either directly or via an event marshal or the organiser. Should a participant have any concerns about the drone operations they should notify the organiser.
Personal & Sponsorship Donations
Please refer to the separate Terms & Conditions page
Last reviewed: February 2025