Some frequently (and a few infrequently) asked questions. Where this has changed since last year it is marked as (NEW)
Q. I have placed my order but can’t see my email receipt to collect the suits ?
A. The email is automated and sometimes get caught in email anti-spam systems. Check your email Spam or Junk folders first. We have improved our systems so we hope this will be less likely this year. We also find some email addresses given when ordering are wrong (eg mis-typed on a mobile phone !). If you cannot find the email please contact us here and we will send you another.
Q. Can we enter as a team ?
A. Yes. You can enter with individual registrations or by one person purchasing multiple registrations (you can set the number required in the shopping basket page). We would love to hear about your team – who is in it, why are you taking part and any good causes you are supporting. please contact us here. Once they receive their runner number each individual will then use the QR code to register their personal details. (NEW) We have a team discount (10 places for cost of 9).
Q. How do pay for my entry ?
A. When you register online you can pay using your PayPal account or using a credit or debit card through PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account to do that – just follow the instructions).
Q. What happens once I receive my runner number ?
A. Everyone taking part must have a runner number which they must display to be allowed to enter. Each person must use the QR code on the runner number to access our individual registration page on our website. This is necessary so that we have the name of each runner taking part. This information is only used to support the event on the day and to enable us to send every participant a personalised certificate of participation by email after the event..
Q. Can I wear my own Santa Suit or come in fancy dress ?
A. Yes. We have an “eco-registration” option. No suit is provided, although you still get a runner number and a finisher’s medal. You can buy or make your own santa suit which you can hopefully be able to use again. We have provided a basic dress code to ensure the event remains festive, avoids any offence and that we still have that great “sea of red” running round uphill Lincoln. (NEW) Should your DIY costume let you down you can purchase individual santa suits on the morning of event from our marquee in Castle Square (£5 each).
Q. Is there an age limit ?
A. No. The event is open to santas of all ages. Runners up to 8 years old must participate with a parent or responsible adult, which means everyone must register to take part (under 5’s can register as L’Elf Runners – suggested donation £2). Those aged 9 and over can run alone, but make sure anyone aged 16 and under is accompanied by a parent or responsible adult on the day. All entrants whatever their age must wear their runner number bib to be allowed entry to the event.
Q. Can I run with a dog ?
A. Yes. As in previous years we welcome dogs in fancy dress and well behaved handlers (who must register for the event too). Suggested donation of £ 2 per dog. Dogs MUST be on a short leash and kept under control. Dogs are not permitted within the grounds of Lincoln Castle. You are responsible for your dog at all times, keeping him/her under control and clearing up any mess on the route. We will have a supply of free dog poo bags at our stand in Castle Square if you have forgotten these. Unfortunately some people last year failed to follow this simple instruction – if that is repeated this year (2024) we may be required to ban dogs from future events. More information here.
Q. Can I run with a child in a pushchair or sling ?
A. Yes but you must register both yourself and your child. Please note there are some cobbled roads and a number of traffic speed bumps on the on the route. (NEW) Some of the cobbled areas in The Bailgate are in a poor state of repair so exercise caution.
Q. Can I take part in a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair ?
A. Yes. The course is reasonably flat. There are some rises and descents. As it will be very busy and you will accompany pedestrians on the route please keep your speed to a safe level. There are also some cobbled areas and a number of traffic speed bumps on the roads. (NEW) Some of the cobbled areas in The Bailgate are in a poor state of repair so exercise caution.
Q. Where can I collect my santa suit(s) ?
A. There are four collection points this year. (or you can choose to have your suit(s) and numbers posted to you for an additional charge). If you are ordering and collecting on behalf of a large team please contact us beforehand so that we can ensure we have sufficient stock ready. The preferred collection point for bulk orders is EH Thorne Beehives at Rand where there is plenty of stock and ample parking.
Q. Why are there different prices and options for the run ?
A. (NEW) The full price of entry is £ 18 for a 4km (2 lap) run. We have had to increase this as the costs of running the event have risen significantly. However we wanted to make the event affordable for families with young children so we have a discounted price for youths and children. We do not have a discounted rate this year for 2km (1 lap) runners. Check out the ticket entry classes here. Only the 2 lap entrants will be eligible for the fastest run trophies. We also have an eco option which allows you to use your own santa suit.
Q. Will my under 5 get a medal ?
A. Yes and a free toddler santa hat as well as the personalised digital certificate of completion.
Q. Is there an award for fastest runner ?
A. Yes. We have 4 awards fastest girl, boy, woman, and man. Only the 2 lap entrants are eligible for an award. However this is a FUN RUN. We have no chip timing or accreditation status for the run. We make the awards with best endeavours but cannot guarantee the time and position in the run of any participant.

Q. What happens if the event is cancelled eg for safety reasons due to bad weather ?
A. See our terms and conditions for force majeure cancellations. Entry fees may not be refunded as event costs must still be covered. Remaining funds will be donated to nominated charities. (Fortunately this has not happened yet !).
Q, Can I leave my bag anywhere ?
A. (NEW) This year we hope to offer a free bag drop off in Castle Square. This will be for small bags/rucksacks. Do not leave valuables in your bag – we cannot be responsible for the contents of bags left.
Q. Can I run for a charity of my own choice, or does it have to me one of the event partner charities ?
A. Yes you can although we encourage everyone to support one of our amazing 15 charities
Q. Can we collect money (buckets or tins) along the route for our charity or good cause ?
A. You CANNOT hold a street collection without first obtaining a permit from the City of Lincoln Council. It is ILLEGAL to collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes without obtaining a street collection licence from the licensing authority if that collection is held ‘in a street or public place’.
Q. Are there opportunities for catering vans/trailers at this event ?
A. (NEW) No sorry. Available space and our licence to hold the event do not allow us to include food & drink vendors. There are many local businesses in the area who offer food and drink (takeaway and on premises) and we encourage participants to support these local businesses.